Thursday, 16 June 2011


Serves 4

3 aubergines
3 potatoes
3 green peppers
1 onion
1 kg ripe tomatoes

salt, extra virgin olive oil

Performance time 50 minutes.


1. Cut eggplant into slices and leave them 5-10 minutes to remove bitterness salt. Thoroughly washed, dried, passed through a little flour and fried. Reserves.

2. Peel the potatoes. Cut into slices 0.5 cm thick. Are fried, salted and set aside.

3. Cut peppers into strips the width of 1.5 cm, fry and set aside.

4. In the same oil, chopped onion Frre and then add the chopped tomatoes. After a few minutes to squash the tomatoes with a fork. The sauce should not be liquid.

5. In a baking dish, place all ingredients in layers that we have booked Starting with the tomato sauce over it a layer of fried peppers, another layer of sauce, a layer of potatoes, more sauce, a layer of eggplant and then another tomato sauce. We recommend that you prepare tumbets for individual servings.

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