Friday, 17 June 2011


-A couple of tomatoes
-White pepper 1 (light green)
-1 onion (better white)
-1 clove garlic
-Oil and salt

Cut the
tomatoes, peppers and onions, chop the garlic very thin. Mix everything in a bowl, add salt and oil, and It's finished. It's simple, but delicious!

Sometimes a piece of brown bread, a form of toast ... is a great dish!
Put it a little in the fridge, notice the salad so rich that we can do!

By Joan Lluís and Pau Martínez.


Bunyola is a goood town . There are three bars, one sports centre, a football pich...
In Bunyola there is one square and near the square there is a little church.
There are a lot of grandfathers and grandmothers. The local festivity of Bunyola is ``Sant Mateu´´.
Definitely, Bunyola is a good town but there aren´t any beaches and cinemas.

Marga Castell


Deià is a small town that is situated in the Tramuntana mountain range. Deià has some luxury hotels and many restaurants.

The highest mountain is Es Teix it is 1064 meters high. In total there are 775 inhabitants. The Vila has a beach called Cala de Deia, it´s small and pretty, with two restaurants.

The English poet, novelist, and scholar, Robert Gaves was one of the first foreigners to settle in the village.where he collaborated with Laura Riding in setting up the Seizin Press. Graves returned after the war and remained in Deià until his death

Aina Bisbal, Maria Bestard, Yquem Sauerschell.


Sóller ist eine Region auf der Insel Mallorca die geograpisch so gelegen ist, dass sich Berge und Meer auf eine wunderschöne Art verbinden. Im Sóller-Tal finden sich wunderbare Orangengärten und an den Berghängen uralte Olivenkulturen. All dies hat dazu geführt,dass die Stadt ein reiches Kulturerbe vorzeigen kann, Herrenhäuser aus Naturstein, Innenhöfe, Museen, Kirchen, Klöster....

Die Gemeinde Soller grenzt an die Gemeinden Deia, Bunyola, Escorca und Fornalutx,der Hafen „Port Soller“ und Biniaraix gehören zur Gemeinde Soller.Der Name der Stadt kommt wahrscheinlich aus dem arabischen Wortstamm „Sulyar“ .

Sóller liegt mit seinen fruchtbaren Gärten eingebettet in den Bergen der „Sierrra Tramuntana“ und war viele Jahrhunderte nahezu vom Rest Mallorcas abgeschnitten, der einzige Zugang war das Meer.

Der Wachstum in der Landwirtschaft(Orangen und Oliven) hat in den 30er Jahren des 19.Jahrhunderts zu einer Auswanderungswelle geführt, vor allem durch den Wunsch zur Erschliessung neuer Handelsmärkte.

Im Jahr 1865 befiel eine Schädlingsplage nahezu den gesamten Orangen Bestand was zu eine grosse Auswirkung auf einen wichtigen Einnahmezweig hatte und daher wieder zu einer Auswanderungswelle führte, diesmal hauptsächlich in den Süden Frankreichs in die Schweiz und nach Belgien. Nach Jahren schwerer Arbeit kehrten die „Sollerics“ dann wieder zurück in ihre Heimat, dies wiederum brachte zur Jahrhundertwende einen Wohlstand und Fortschritt nach Soller den wir heute noch bewundern können. Der internationale Einfluss kann heute noch in der Architektur und Maleri erkannt werden, es entstand ein Gemisch aus dem klassischen sowie dem regionalen und vor allem ist auch heute noch in vielen Ecken der Stadt der Jugendstiel zu erkennen.

Zu dieser Zeit wurde Soller auch von der Isolierung vom Rest von Mallorca „befreit“ – Die Zugstrecke nach Palma wurde im Jahr 1912 eröffnet uns ist heute noch in Betrieb.

Laura Martorell Matt

Mi experiencia en Alemania por ahora ha sido muy buena, me parece un lugar muy bonito, pero es muy diferente de sóller. Además nosotros no estamos acostumbrados a las ciudades tan grandes como Marburg.
La verdad esque no entiendo muy bien como funciona el tema de los autocares porque cogen muchisimos, que llegan a los mismos sitios, además tampoco se si se tiene que pagar o no.
Lo que me ha sorprendido más por ahora ha sido que ayer fuimos a un centro comercial y para poder ir al banos se tiene que pagar... Eso nos sorprendió a todos los espanoles porque no estamos acostumbrados que para poder ir a un bano público se tenga que pagar.

Por: Laura Patino


Sóller ist eine Region auf der Insel Mallorca die geograpisch so gelegen ist, dass sich Berge und Meer auf eine wunderschöne Art verbinden. Im Sóller-Tal finden sich wunderbare Orangengärten und an den Berghängen uralte Olivenkulturen. All dies hat dazu geführt,dass die Stadt ein reiches Kulturerbe vorzeigen kann, Herrenhäuser aus Naturstein, Innenhöfe, Museen, Kirchen, Klöster....

href="file:///C:%5CDOKUME%7E1%5CTeacher%5CLOKALE%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml">Die Gemeinde Soller grenzt an die Gemeinden Deia, Bunyola, Escorca und Fornalutx,der Hafen „Port Soller“ und Biniaraix gehören zur Gemeinde Soller.Der Name der Stadt kommt wahrscheinlich aus dem arabischen Wortstamm „Sulyar“.

Sóller liegt mit seinen fruchtbaren Gärten eingebettet in den Bergen der „Sierrra Tramuntana“ und war viele Jahrhunderte nahezu vom Rest Mallorcas abgeschnitten, der einzige Zugang war das Meer.

href="file:///C:%5CDOKUME%7E1%5CTeacher%5CLOKALE%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"> href="">daher wieder zu einer Auswanderungswelle führte, diesmal hauptsächlich in den Süden Frankreichs in die Schweiz und nach Belgien. Nach Jahren schwerer Arbeit kehrten die „Sollerics“ dann wieder zurück in ihre Heimat, dies wiederum brachte zur Jahrhundertwende einen Wohlstand und Fortschritt nach Soller den wir heute noch bewundern können. Der internationale Einfluss kann heute noch in der Architektur und Maleri erkannt werden, es entstand ein Gemisch aus dem klassischen sowie dem regionalen und vor allem ist auch heute noch in vielen Ecken der Stadt der Jugendstiel zu erkennen.

Zu dieser Zeit wurde Soller auch von der Isolierung vom Rest von Mallorca „befreit“ – Die Zugstrecke nach Palma wurde im Jahr 1912 eröffnet uns ist heute noch in Betrieb.

Re: recepta

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 9:14 AM, strayano simmons <> wrote:
                                                                                            TRAMPÓ CAKE
         For the trampó:
              -Tomatoes(put whatever quantity thatb you want )
                 -Olive oil
            For the mass:
                   -Flour 300g
                    -Olive oil 50ml
                   -Water   100ml
                   -A peace of  yeast
                   - Salt                            
1-Dissolve yeast in warm water and mix with the oil. Gradually add the flour and we work until a compact mass and malleable, and should not be oily or cracked. Extend it with a roller and put them on a cookie sheet.

2-Preheat oven to 180-200 degrees and prepare tramp slicing tomato, green pepper and onion. We add plenty of chopped parsley and season all with oil, salt and paprika.

3-We place the salad on the mass and quickly introduced into the furnace not to release water. We let 20 to 30 minutes depending on oven.

4-Be made ​​when it takes color and lift with a knife at one end is lifted almost entirely. At this point, we can serve.

5-You can also make another variety with the chopped green chard, chives rolled and much parsley.




Thursday, 16 June 2011


Fornalutx is a little village, there are 700 inhabitants.Fornalutx is very beautiful village. This village is in the highest mountain in Mallorca , it is called Puig Major , it is 1445 m high.

The architecture of the village is of stone and light brown roof tiles, with most buildings' windows also having green painted wooden shutters. The stone façades on the majority of these houses have been exposed in recent years by removing the original render to give the buildings a more rustic appearance than was originally the case. Built on different levels, many of the higher streets are pedestrianised and cobbled, with grassy paths leading off into the orchards and farms to the north.

The village centre is Plaça d'Espanya

The dominant large plants in the area are orange trees, lemon trees and cacti. Thousands of house sparrows flit around the area and sheep graze in the surrounding orchards.

Fornalutx has received prizes and recognition for tourism and conservation. In 1983 it was awarded the Mallorcan Tourism Board Silver Plaque for the defence and maintenance of the village. The same year the General Secretary for Tourism gave it the Second National Price for Towns embellished and maintained in Spain. In 1985 it received the Premi Alzina from the Grup Balear

The typical festival takes place in september. Apart from music concerts, people from the village carry a bull from the mountain to the main square, the bull is tied up with a rope.Finally a girl puts a crown of flowers on its head.

By Laura Patino and Clara Colom.


Serves 4

3 aubergines
3 potatoes
3 green peppers
1 onion
1 kg ripe tomatoes

salt, extra virgin olive oil

Performance time 50 minutes.


1. Cut eggplant into slices and leave them 5-10 minutes to remove bitterness salt. Thoroughly washed, dried, passed through a little flour and fried. Reserves.

2. Peel the potatoes. Cut into slices 0.5 cm thick. Are fried, salted and set aside.

3. Cut peppers into strips the width of 1.5 cm, fry and set aside.

4. In the same oil, chopped onion Frre and then add the chopped tomatoes. After a few minutes to squash the tomatoes with a fork. The sauce should not be liquid.

5. In a baking dish, place all ingredients in layers that we have booked Starting with the tomato sauce over it a layer of fried peppers, another layer of sauce, a layer of potatoes, more sauce, a layer of eggplant and then another tomato sauce. We recommend that you prepare tumbets for individual servings.

Es firo

The Firó is the most popular festival of Soller. It takes place on the second Monday of May and it commemorates the victory of the Moors by the Sollerics in 1561. The townspeople dress up as characters of the period (Moors and Christians) and simulate the battles. There are separated fights in different parts of town, the port, the square, l'horta ... The festival ends with a speech by Captain Angelats (represented by one of the people) that congratulates the citizens to fight the invaders and the singing of "Sa Balanguera." Two other famous characters are "Ses Valentes Dones", two sisters who were on the day of the battle in the village and killed with a bar two Moors. The Firó for the Soller people is more than a party, a sense of people, joy and zest for life.

Port de Sóller

Port de Sóller has got two beaches. The first beach is "Playa de Ca'n Repic", this beach is the biggest in Port de Sóller. There are some hotels, restaurants and souvenirs shops. Near the beach there is another rock-beach.

The second beach is "Playa de Ca'n Generós", in this beach there are rocks and sand. You can rent a deck-chair or a pedalo.

Santa Catalina is the viewer of Port de Sóller, in this place you can see the sea, the different boats and all the Port. It's a very quiet and relaxing place.

By Marga Castell, Lidia Bautista, Silvia Mongeot

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

What did you do this night (tuesday) at 4:14 am?

what is what?

Wednesday - the last day

Do you miss your family ? or do you want do stay another week here? What do you you feel about saying good-bye to your exchange family ?

What has the exchange in common with Goethes "Faust"

Do you think there are many commons? At least 15 sentences!

All in all

Do you like your exchange family ?
Do you enjoy the exchangte?

why did you decide to participate?

I decided to go to Mallorca because I want to improve my Spanish and my English. I want to get in touch with an other culture and new people. Furthermore, it is interesting to see how people live in other countries. Morveover, I love the sun.------- Lisa Marie---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I decided to participate because i want to improve my Spanish and English. I want to learn more about the country, the people and the culture. Moreover, in Mallorca there is nice weather and the beach.


What do you do?
was it?
How was the evening?

The saturday night party

What did you did ?
How was it ?
Untill what time did you stayed ?


What do you do on monday evening?
How was it?
How do you sleep?

The weekend

How was it?
What do you do?

At the beach

How is the beach?
How is the weather at the beach?
What do you do?

The house of my host-family

How is your family? Do you have siblings? What do you eat in your family? what time? How are the rooms assigned? Do you have an own room?


What did you did?
How was it?

Free Time

Friday, 25 March 2011

Firday: First day in Mallorca

Today is my first day in Mallorca. I woke up at 6 in the morning and prepared for school.

I had a little breakfast and then I went to school by car. We arrived at school and I saw my friends again. When we entered school, the other pupils looked at us and were very interested.

My teacher, my spanish class and Oscar went into a room and every pupil told about his/her host family.

Most pupils had problems to communicate with his/her host family. After this we saw presentations about Sóller and Marburg. Then some people showed us a typical dance, which is called " Ball de bot".

Then we ate a typical food of Mallorca. It was very delicious :)

Lastly, we enjoyed the sun.

Marina Heine Perez, Rebecca Goy

My first day in Mallorca.

After we woke up (to early!) we had breakfast. Then we quiet missed the bus . At school we met the others. We listened to presentations about Sóller, the monuments and the port and later one about Marburg. later, the german class watched the school .While the break we watched the typical dance "Ball de bot" and also tried to dance. Never seen anything that funny!
Then we ate in the restaurant of the school, that was very good!
Silvia Mongeot and Nicola Steinhaus

My first day in Malloca

Today, I woke up at 6.45 in the morning. At 7 o,clock I had breakfast an then we went to school. Xiscu, the father of Laura, brought us to the school and Rebecca and Marina came with us. At school, there were many people who want to speak with us and they were very interested in the german people :) They also danced for us teh "Dance of Soller" and then we also had to dance!

The food in the big room was very good and then the sun came!

After school, Laura and I want to go home for lunch and then we go to the house of Marina.

In the afternoon, we go to the Port by train.
Maren Middeke, Laura Martorell Matt

Arrival day and first day at school

We met at the airport, half past five. The plane was delayed, 30 minutes. Friedrich came with us in the car, we talked with them about Mallorca and Sóller. When we arrived in Sóller we showed him the house, he loved it, of course; then, he met my friends, they were impressed about Uwe. After that, we went to the towns square, we found other people of the exchange, they were nice, but I think that they're joking about my hair, I know, it's awesome! We went home and we just had dinner and we went to sleep.
Today, we woke up without any problem. We started school, all the people was amazed, they're saying that the girls were hot. We started the classes and the German guys were shown the school. I had normal lessons :(. During the break some people started to dance traditional dances of Mallorca. when that finished we went to eat something and, here we are, writing this, yes I know, it sounds "awesome". In the evening we're going to meet my friends again, they can't speak English, so Uwe will have to speak Spanish. After that we're going to go to my saxophone lesson and maybe at night we're going to walk a little bit :).

Thursday, 24 March 2011

The first night

How was it? What did you do? How did you feel? What did you talk about? What did you have for dinner? What time did you go to sleep? Do you sleep in the same bedroom? etc

At nine o'clock we enjoyed the steak, the soup, the salad, the asparagus, the strawberries and the cake because Pau's brother had birthday on the day before. Friedrich gave some presents to Pau and his family. Then we were going to bed at half past ten after a long day. :D

Friedrich & Pau

On Friday at school

Describe what you have done this morning:
1. in the morning when you woke up
2. at breakfast time
3. how have you come to school?
4. in class. The power point presentation done by 3rd ESO
5. break time
6. "welcome" brunch
7.  blog time

At the airport and Ca'n Repic: FACE TO FACE

How did you feel when you first saw your "pen-friend"? What did you say? What did you do? Explain.

The first contact

Explain when and how you got in touch with your "pen-friend" for the first time.
yesterday we met in the ca'n repic in Soller at half past six. Then we went to the house and we ate something. After that we had a trip in Soller and we met some other people from the exchange in a cafe to have a drink.
Friedrich Hestermann & Pau Borras.

Why did you decide to participate?

Write about the reasons you decided to participate.